MKRU is a Russian language newspaper published in Russia. They published this article two days ago and are waiting for authorities to confirm their findings.
“Missing March 8 on Malaysia Airlines airliner with 227 passengers on board and 12th members of the crew captured and is southeast of Kandahar, in Afghanistan, near the border with Pakistan. Aircraft stands on a small” rural “road with a broken wing – t . Liner is alleged to have committed a hard landing. All passengers alive divided into seven groups and live in a “mud hut” from hand to mouth. From the aircraft were captured about 20 Asian Professionals, the capture of which was necessary, presumably, the American side. Ie this hijacking – someone’s order. ” All this correspondent “MK” on condition of anonymity said a source in the security services.
The information put forth matches a report from the Independent that the aircraft may have flown in to a Taliban controlled area. Retired Lt. General Thomas McIerney, a US citizen and Harvard graduate gave an interview to Sean Hannity in which he maintains that the missing plane was absolutely in Pakistan.